Thursday, May 8, 2008

Feathering the nest...

"It is art that makes life, makes beauty, makes importance, and I know no substitute for the force and beauty of its process."
Henry James

Art IS a lifeforce - I have always known that. It knows no borders, no class, no race, no time. Every culture on earth has its own expressive desires that go above and beyond basic human need, and those desires cause us to make those basic needs finer and more pleasing - beads upon the tunic, herbs into the soup. Whether we paint, cook, sing, dance, sew scraps of fabric together to make something singularly beautiful...we have a compulsion to create, and it is that creativity that brings us joy. Art is power. Anyone who has wept before a painting, been transported by a song, or fondly recalled the memory of a truly fine dinner knows this. We've all felt it at one time or another.
SO...with that in mind, I've decided to indulge myself and create this wee blog, to share some of my own bits of artistic attempts and to also share some of the incredible wealth of folk art and traditional music we're surrounded by here in the Deep South. I'm still trying to decide where to begin...I feel wondrously blessed to be in such a fine predicament.

A bit about the Wren's Nest...
Our little house is called Wren's Nest Cottage, and it is as tiny as its name implies, but roomy enough for two sisters who are best friends. It's an old house, and so requires constant patching up, but we can't imagine living anywhere else. We have jasmine on the back porch, cats on the hearthrug, a ghost who brings us scents of gardenia and fresh-baked cinnamon rolls, and good (a few rather interesting) neighbors. I'd like for everyone to get to know our cottage. She's a very dear old girl.
Peace and blessings,


Aileen Clarke Crafts said...

Dear Cindy, it's lovely to discover that you have a blog! Link from mine to yours going up right now. Looking forward to getting to know your wee hoose better, best regards, Aileen.

Cindy said...

Dear Aileen,
Hooray! I'm having a good time thinking of things to blog about, and I'm still finding my way around my blog :~O Not the most computer -literate person.

All content © Cindy Armstrong. Please do not use content without permission. That's not nice.